Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: November 2011

Best of Raw


Voted Best of Raw - Favorite Raw Vegan Gourmet Chef + Favorite Raw Vegan Blog.

Healthy Personal Care -

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

November 28, 2011

Asian Arame/Seaweed Salad

Arame is a species of seaweed or kelp that has a mild, semi-sweet flavor. Arame comes in a dried form and due to it's mild flavor, can be reconstituted and added to dishes without impacting the flavor. Just one serving of arame provides over 100 percent of the daily value for iodine and 50 percent of the daily requirements for calcium. Arame has been reported to improve overall immune function, and condition of hair skin and nails. Due to it's high content of lignans it has been the focus of several anti-cancer studies.


November 21, 2011

The Green Smoothie - How To...

Green smoothies were my very first introduction into the world of Raw Living Food. I have posted many smoothie recipes on this blog, and while recipes can be helpful, they are only suggestions. Smoothie ingredients can be exchanged, replaced, and even omitted per availability and/or taste. If you are just starting out, or curious how someone else may create is my formula for the Basic Green Smoothie. Sometimes I get creative and add extracts and ingredients you may not have. I encourage you to not be alarmed or intimidated by these ingredients. You have a choice...either get those ingredients that I've suggested (because I like them), or make the smoothie without them. Either way, you will learn how to create fabulous and delicious Green Smoothies.

November 19, 2011

Cranberry Nut Muffins

These scrumptious muffins are awesome this time of  year. They can be frozen and popped in the dehydrator to warm as needed. The mixture can also be made into a lovely cranberry nut bread and served with a drizzle of raw honey.

November 6, 2011

Creamy "Peanut Butter" Mousse Cups

Lovely little cups of decadent creamy mousse that are sure to please  your palate. This recipe could easily be used as a base to create a variety of flavors. Eliminate the nut butter, change the extract flavors, and create magnificent little cups of mousse in mint chocolate, chocolate raspberry, almond fudge, heavenly hazelnut, etc. The varieties are endless.  Check out Medicine Flower extracts in over 40 flavors and expand your culinary "palette."
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