Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: May 2010

Best of Raw


Voted Best of Raw - Favorite Raw Vegan Gourmet Chef + Favorite Raw Vegan Blog.

Healthy Personal Care -

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

6th Annual Best of Raw Award

May 29, 2010

Creamy Red Bell Pepper Soup

This is now one of my favorite raw soups. The color is beautiful. The aroma is fabulous. It's definitely something you could serve to SAD (Standard American Diet) guests and they would be impressed. It looks rich and lovely and its so quick and easy to make.

May 28, 2010



Poll Results (left)

Enter below to win a bottle of Medicine Flower Strawberry Extract. (Retail Value: $22). 

The lucky Week #1 Giveaway winner was Brandon. He won an awesome bottle of Medicine Flower Hazelnut Extract.  

Who will be this week's lucky winner?  

Honestly, these are the best extracts I've ever tasted and I'm so blessed to be hosting this Giveaway. Medicine Flower Extracts haven't been available via retail for long, so many folks haven't heard of them yet. You will! They're amazing! Read more about them HERE...

May 27, 2010

Cream of Asparagus Soup

Cool and refreshing. A great summer soup, garnished with a red pepper oil. Add a salad and you have a great meal.

Strawberry Simplicity

Simple, Sensational and oh so Sexxxy!You can't get more simple than this! My self-imposed challenge with the Medicine Flower Giveaway, has been to explore creative and fun ways to use the most amazing gourmet extracts I've ever tasted...and smelled! Have I mentioned the scent?  W often sees me walk into the kitchen, open up a bottle of this yummy elixir, and...


...usually followed by an "Ohhhh My God!"  Such DECADENT goodness packed into a tiny bottle.

Well, sometimes, the most obvious is the most overlooked. Today, my simple strawberry offering to you is this:

May 25, 2010

Green No-Strawberry Strawberry Smoothie

I do love biting into a sweet, ripe, juicy strawberry on occasion, but I'm not a huge fan of strawberry shakes or ice cream. (Also, the seeds sometimes bother my tummy). I have to admit that playing with my new Medicine Flower Strawberry Extract has opened my eyes to a whole realm of possibilities. So here is a strawberry smoothie, without any strawberries!

The strawberry essence of these extracts is incredibly rich and fresh, and the aroma is incredible...and no seeds to upset my tummy! I can make a smoothie, using ANY fruit, or hardly any fruit at all, add a few drops of these strawberry extracts and YUMMMMMMM. No one would believe there were no strawberries in this strawberry smoothie!!!

Have I told you how much I love these things???

May 20, 2010

Sprouted Kamut Olive Bread

Dark, rich and earthy, this sprouted Kamut bread is super quick and easy to make, and dehydrates quickly compared to most breads.

It's a very basic recipe and while it's tasty as is, next time, I'll try adding specific herbs, or maybe add a hint of sun dried tomatoes to it? It freezes well.

May 18, 2010

Gourmet Hazelnut Coffee Elixir

OH MY GAWD! I did a taste test this morning and here are my findings:  While I LOVE the taste of coffee, I don't drink it, never got hooked on it, but love the flavor and scent. I like it, but it does not like me. However, I LOVE grinding fresh, gourmet coffee beans every morning for my man, and inhaling the aroma. I brew a pot of his favorite beans, a custom blend that I create. So, I recognize and appreciate really good coffee!

This morning...

May 17, 2010

Harmonious Hazelnut Smoothie

A really yummy smoothie. A little lighter on the greens, but they're still in delicious! A harmonious blend of cacao, hazelnut and coffee.

May 15, 2010

Medicine Flower Extracts - Introduction

I'm really happy to announce that Medicine Flower is offering the most fabulous product giveaway right here on Rawfully Tempting! They will be giving away one fabulous, mouth-watering flavored extract every week, for the next eight weeks, and you could be a lucky winner!

May 14, 2010



Win a bottle of Medicine Flower Hazelnut Extract. (Retail Value- $22.00).

May 4, 2010

Creamy Wild Mushroom and Spinach Pasta

Inspired by this delicious quiche recipe, I concocted an incredibly tasty cream sauce, served over a combination of kelp and zucchini noodles.  I also used Eden's artichoke pasta (in photo), for W. I don't do pasta, but will allow myself a very small helping of these.

The recipe is a KEEPER! 

May 3, 2010

African Horned Melon (Kiwano)

W brought this home from the store today, and I had no idea what it was, or what to expect. I had to do a little research and find out HOW to eat it, before I was brave enough to pick up the very sharp horned fruit and slice into it.

May 2, 2010

Wild Mushroom and Spinach Stuffed Pepper

I had a lot of quiche stuffing leftover from the previous recipe and someone suggested stuffing it into a bell pepper. I used a beautiful orange bell pepper. I'm going to put it in the dehydrator for a few hours, really condense the flavors, and soften the pepper. It sure looks yummy!
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