Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Personal Care Made Safe

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Personal Care Made Safe

November, 2017, my daughter, Jessica, asked me to host a Facebook social to help her jumpstart her new business, Beautycounter. I agreed, simply wanting to show support. I never expected how much these amazing products would actually change my life.

Stricken with Bells Palsy last year, half of my face was paralyzed. It was painful and debilitating. Months later, after I healed, I was left with chronic dry eye and forced to stop wearing ANY makeup. I surrendered to the idea of going natural...but really wasn’t happy with how that made me feel. I had given up most skin care, and used only a natural soap. Little did I know that I was starving my skin. Like my body, it needed Nourishing too.

I’m 61. My skin is good..but it’s aging...within three days of trying Beautycounter products....I was hooked!!!! I’m not kidding! What a difference! On top of skin care, I’m now able to wear their cosmetics (which are amazing),and I’m getting compliments wherever I go! Even more exciting, my youngest daughter, Lindsey, noticed the changes in my skin, and started using Beautycounter skin care herself ....within 3 days....she was hooked.  So she’s a mom of two Little’s...not a lot of time to spare....she has expressed how good it feels to get up now and cleanse and moisturize her face, and wear a little light makeup. Her husband keeps commenting how good she looks, not knowing she is doing anything differently. She has posted selfies on Facebook, something she never does!  Her confidence and self esteem have sky rocketed. She’s glowing. I’m glowing, Jessica is glowing. So I
guess we are a true Beautycounter family now!!!

So here I am...weeks later, an official Beautycounter Consultant!!!!! I still can’t believe it...but here’s
the deal....Beautycounter is a MOVENENT, not just a business or line of products. They are focused on educating consumers, and influencing the cosmetic industry. They are rallying for the use of safer ingredients, and they avoid any ingredients that are recognized as causing harm. They are transparent, freely listing all ingredients and packaging information.


 (Overnight Resurfacing Peel - My Fav!)
I’m learning more and more each day, but I can tell you, at age 61, joining a Direct Sales company was never a consideration...but joining and supporting a movement to get healthier and safer products on the market, is right up my alley. As a raw vegan educator, Beautycounter fits well into my 

Don’t take my word for it...check it out for yourself! 

Interested? Message me! Ask about doing a Social and earning points towards products. Support this 
growing company and their mission. I hope you’ll support my small business, while treating yourself to some amazing products. It took 3 days for my daughters and myself to recognize how beneficial these products are. Have a look for yourself. Also, go to and visit “Skin Deep” and see where your products stand in safety. 

Need a sample? Message me....
Thanks for stopping by!

Barbara Kessler








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