How to Sprout Kamut
Rinse grains and cover with water in a wide-mouth glass jar and lid. It soaks up water quickly, so make sure there is plenty of water. Soak 8-12 hours. Sprout about 1.5 days.
After soaked, drain and rinse grains well. Transfer to a clean, wide-mouth jar. Cover with cheese cloth or using rim or rubber band, or a sprout lid, and store in a dark, cool area, tilted downward to drain. (Dish racks work great for this with a bowl to catch drippings).
Rinse every 6-8 hours until tails just start to form or it will get bitter. Once sprouted, rinse and drain well. (Approximately 24-36 hours to sprout depending on temperature, seeds, etc).Sprouted Kamut can be used in bread recipes as is, or dehydrated and ground into flour. It's a little on the heavy side for me, so I generally mix it with either sprouted buckwheat and/or oats.
Rye Bread (Boutique Recipe) |
I was just reading/commenting on the post about sprouting buckwheat. Thank you for sharing the information on how to sprout kamut.