When I explored sprouting, I thought I was really stepping out of my comfort zone. Wow! It opened up so many doors for me. With sprouted oats, Quinoa and Kamut, I was able to create pizza crusts, crackers and the most amazing Jewish "Rye" Bread. The recipe for this bread can be found in the Raw Recipe Boutique.

The amazing thing is, I also used sunflower seeds (and almonds) to whip together the most delicious Sunflower Seed Pate (aka - "Toona-less Salad"). Thank you sunflower seeds! I make this recipe different every single time. (Throw in some raisins and chopped apples or pears). Don't be afraid to create something totally new. This dish is amazing, and can be made in minutes. Cut up some fresh veggies, avocado slices, tomatoes, and you have a lovely lunch or dinner. I served this to a bunch of young children at an event I volunteered at, and the kids LOVED it! A ten year old boy came up and asked me if he could have the recipe to give to his mom. (Be still my heart!).
While preparing the Sunflower Seed Pate, I pulled a few slices of "Rye" Bread from the freezer and popped them in the dehydrator to warm. Kitchen sheers in hand, I marched out to the porch,and chopped off a few handfuls of sunflower seed shoots. I actually had to go back outside in the middle of dinner, and get more because we gobbled them up so quickly. W LOVED them! Try mixing the Sunflower Seed Pate, sprouted sunflower shoots, and Russian Dressing into a bowl, mixed with celery, onion, tomato, etc...and you have an amazing, and very filling salad dish.
So, tonight...the pate was done, the "Rye" bread was warming in the dehydrator, and I decided I wanted to create a "Russian" Dressing. Without even thinking about it much, I threw these ingredients in the blender. I didn't really measure anything, so this is definitely approximate.

Russian Dressing
1 small tomato
2 -3 Tablespoons water, as needed
1/4 cup cashews (maybe less)
2 Tablespoons red onion, chopped
2 Tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
pinch chipotle powder (optional)
2 Tablespoons Bubbie's Sauerkraut ( or fermented veggies)
2 Tablespoons Bubbie's Sauerkraut juice (or 1 tsp vinegar)
Blend it all together until creamy. It's heaven and really compliments the pate.

And this was dinner! Isn't it beautiful? You could EASILY do this (and I have) without the "Rye" Bread...and even without the Sunflower Shoots, but these are the little steps you can take, to enhance your lifestyle, increase variety, and learn new things, and before you know it, you are quickly combining recipes and techniques, and creating an amazing meal you can be proud of.

And then comes BRAZEN - our backyard squirrel and totally destroys my beautiful sunflower shoots....grrr..next time, a barricade to stop Brazen!
Too funny about the squirrel! I keep mine on an upper patio screened in so so far I have only had to battle some ants.
Your sunflower greens are lovely. I grow them daily as they are a staple in my diet.
Your meal looks so beautiful.
Peace and Raw Health,
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