Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Salad - Getting Back to My ROOTS!!!

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July 6, 2012

Salad - Getting Back to My ROOTS!!!

While I LOVE preparing gourmet treats for friends and family, and creating new and exciting recipes for this blog, in my every day life, I stick pretty close to my ROOTS...and this month, I can say that literally. My holistic physician, has me slowing down on smoothies and juices, and focusing more on C H E W I N G. What perfect timing! My garden is growing and what I am not growing, other friends are, and sharing. Dr. E wants me eating LOTS of R O O T S., so here they are...

We've got carrots, daikon, radish and beets, red onion, mixed with wilted kale, various lettuces from the garden, fresh parsley, celery, raisins and sliced apples. This awesome salad is  simply dressed with a  cold-pressed olive oil, coconut water vinegarand my herbs/spices. Sometimes, it's good to get back to our ROOTS.

Beets: Both the golden and red variety are packed with phytonutrients that provide support for the detoxification process. Adding beets to your daily diet can help clean our your liver.

Radish: Ancient Greeks loved radishes and their physicians instructed patients to eat them daily. They are high in vitamin C and have been helpful in lowering cholesterol, increasing a fresh supply of oxygen to the bloodstream, and assisting in the healing of urinary tract disorders.

Daikon: Raw daikon is used in Japan to aid in digestion. It's been documented that the juice of raw daikon is abundnant in digestive enzymes similar to those found in the digestive tract of humans and that it also inhibits the formation of dangerous chemicals in the body and may reduce the risk of cancer. It's high in vitamin C and folacin. A macrobtiotic remedy  is to ingest a few drops of soy sauce combined with a tablespoon of grated daikon to help the body discharge animal protein and fats.


  1. Sounds delish! I know they are all beneficial, but did your doctor have a specific reason to eat more roots and less smoothies, etc? Why the emphasis on chewing? Just curious :)

  2. Right now we are working on unblocking bile ducts...high fiber...blended food or juice without fiber right now is not going to help me as much as chewing and digesting lots of good raw fibrous food...and roots...are good for helping to detox the liver...

  3. Chewing releases the enzymes found in your saliva which help prepare for better digestion, or so I've read.


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