Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Wedding Bells and First Harvest

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June 28, 2012

Wedding Bells and First Harvest

On June 24th, my daughter, Lindsey, (my baby) filled my heart with joy and walked down the aisle to marry her sweetheart, Pete. What a stunning bride!From the ceremony to reception, everything was perfect. Congrats to the bride and groom!... Next, with all of the wedding plans, we missed a few days at the community garden. As a result, our lettuce grew a little beyond harvesting. We pulled it all out and I created one of the freshest, most delicious salads I've ever eaten. Will post recipe next!

                                                      Congratulations Lindsey and Pete!
Okay...Now back to the garden...I was so excited to harvest our first batch of lettuce. My cucumbers seemed to have disappeared...but my hot peppers and tomatoes seem to be doing really well. The eggplant needs some natural bug repellent, so we have to give them a little more TLC.

Here is my very first harvest from our community garden at Duke Farms.


More wedding fun: 
My two daughters and son in law (Where's the Groom?)


  1. oh my gosh how fun!! i love weddings:) that dress is gorrrrgeous!

  2. Beautiful garden bounty! Wish I had done a garden this year- was a bit overwhelmed with a new baby. Next year though! And I agree, that is a beautiful bride!


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