Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: R. I. P. Cher Till

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May 11, 2012

R. I. P. Cher Till

Listen to internet radio with Coach Cher Till on Blog Talk Radio

What a great loss for us all. Cher Till (of BlogTalk Radio - Shots With Cher Till) passed over on Saturday. Cher was one of the most loving spirits I've ever met and touched the lives of so many, educating us all about the raw food lifestyle. She was open, loving, non-judgmental and inspirational. Click on the PLAY button above to hear one of the interviews that I did with Cher on her program. We had a blast! Below is the last video Cher made before her passing. Please check out her site and many broadcasts on BlogTalk Radio. Rest in peace Cher! We love you! xoxoxo

1 comment :

  1. I'd definitely love to listen to these! I've heard one of her interviews with another blog friend, was awesome.

    Why did she die? What is it about this year?


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