Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Green Smoothie Mish Mash

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April 3, 2012

Green Smoothie Mish Mash

I've been juicing the past few days and W wanted a smoothie today, so I literally threw this together. I was surprised at how yummy it tasted. After creating this, I added some cacao powder to a bit of the mixture and layered it and roughly mixed it by hand, creating a camouflage smoothie..see below. This was really good, but I can't believe how heavy it felt after several days of!

Mish Mash Smoothie
1 young Thai Coconut (water and meat)
water (as needed for consistency)
2 frozen bananas
7-8 kale leaves
2 Tablespoons hemp seeds
2 Tablespoons chia seeds
2 teaspoons fresh ginger grated
1 cup leftover frozen pulp from juicing (cucumber, mango, apple, ginger)
2 medjool dates or your favorite sweetener

Blend coconut meat, water, bananas and kale until creamy.  (I add ice cubes to keep it from getting warm)
Add remaining ingredients, blend and enjoy!

Option: After pouring half of the mixture into a glass or jar, add raw cacao powder to the remaining mixture and blend. Pour into the green smoothie and mix roughly. Yummy camo smoothie!


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