Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Almond Milk

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April 10, 2012

Almond Milk

Making fresh nut milk is easy and well worth the effort. Once you've taste it, you'll never go back to packaged milk. Packaged milk is pasteurized and the taste between the two, is remarkably different. This can be made with other nuts, or a mixture of nuts. Adding hemp seed is another way to add extra nutrients. Use a nut milk bag, paint bag(you can get a Lowe's), or cheese cloth. 

Almond Milk (or Nut Milk)
1 cup almonds soaked overnight
3 to 4 cups water (or less depending how thick you want it)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

1 - 2 dates (optional)


Soak almonds  to 12 hours or overnight and rinse well. 

Blend water and nuts until creamy.  (Add vanilla and dates, if wanted) 

Place a nut milk bag or cheese cloth inside a bowl or pitcher. Pour milk into the bag, and gently squeeze through the bag, holding top closed. Be patient and think about the LOVE you want to put into this gorgeous milk. Squeeze gently, and as you get closer to the pulp, firmly squeeze out any excess liquid. 

Leftover nut pulp can be frozen as is, or spread on a sheet and dehydrated. Run through blender or food processor, and use in  recipes where almond flour or pulp is called for. Store in refrigerator up to 3 days.

Go HERE for more information on where to find truly unapsteurized almonds. 


  1. Patricia ProskurniakApril 10, 2012 at 6:43 PM

    For the newbies: The 3 to 4 cups of water mentioned here is not the water the Almonds were soaked in, you throw that water out and rinse the Almonds and put them into the blender and add your filtered water and blend away.

    This really is SO GOOD! In the blender you can add different things to affect flavour and make it unique. My favourite is to add vanilla bean and a medjool date.

  2. This made my tummy growl... I want to try it! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks Patricia...I just added the info.

    Let us know how you like it can use all kinds of nuts for this...

  4. Can this also be done with a Lexen Electric Healthy Juicer?
    I don't have the hand strength to do the bags.
    It says it does soy milk but I'm allergic to soy.

  5. Mary, I do not believe you can make almond milk in a juicer, as you will end up with nut butter, or something close to it. Now, that is possible to take a very fine nut butter, mix with water, and make almond milk. I've seen that done. You'll have to play around with it, or check your juicer's manual for more info..sorry. Please let us know if it may help others in your situation. For me, I find the squeezing is really good therapy for my hands..Keep us posted...

  6. ..i would stay away from soy milk anyway...most soy is GMO.

  7. Do you have suggestion or recipe that uses almond pulp? Thanks!

  8. Of course..any of my recipes that call for almond "flour"...I"ve since learned that almond "flour" ..the very light colored flour you very processed...and almond "meal" is really what you get when you dehydrate almonds and grind them..or dehydrate pulp. After dehydrating pulp..put it trough the food processor...or a dry blade blender (vitamix)...and you'll have a very nice almond meal. I store my pulp in the freezer both wet and dry...(wet is right after making almond milk- and dry is taking pulp and dehydrating it...crackers, breads, cookies..all kinds of wonderful things can be made with almond pulp.

  9. TIP: When dehydrating pulp..cover it with a mesh dehydrator try to stop it from blowing all over.


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