Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Sunflower Seed Pate (Toona Salad)

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January 12, 2012

Sunflower Seed Pate (Toona Salad)

I'll be making this for a Meetup Group that I'm attending in Princeton, NJ. The recipe is very reminiscent of either tuna salad or chicken salad. You can add dulse flakes or other sea veggies to give it a touch of the sea and add some  awesome nutrients. You can also add raisins and chopped apple for a sweeter variety. Take the basic recipe and create your own Rawfully Tempting treat!

Sunflower Seed Pate
Serving Size  : 6 

1 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, (soaked 4-6 hours)
1/2  cup almonds, soaked overnight, (optional)
1/2 cup water, (or more as needed) 
1 garlic clove, crushed
1/2 cup celery, chopped 
1/4 cup red onion finely chopped
2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped 
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp dulse flakes (optional)
2 Tbsp coconut water vinegar, your favorite vinegar, or lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt (to taste)

  1. Process nuts and seeds. Add water as needed.
  2. Transfer to bowl and add remaining ingredients.
  3. Serve on raw crackers or bread or with raw veggies. Create roll-ups in lettuce leaves. Goes GREAT with Rawfully Tempting "Rye" Bread, topped with cucumber, lettuce, tomato, avocado, red onion, etc.
  4. I've also made this with chopped walnuts and raisins, which reminds me of chicken salad. Mash a little avocado into the mixture for an extra creamy variety.  Add dill or cumin, or whatever spices you like. 
Cheddar Cheeze recipe is HERE.  

1 comment :

  1. Lovely looking sandwich. Princeton is near and dear to my heart, good to know they have a meetup. I am sure this will go over well.


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