Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Leftovers

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January 9, 2012


Last night I made a spectacular Mexican Style Cauliflower Rissoto.  Rather than waste any leftovers, I took the remaining "Sauce" and Rissoto and threw this meal together in about ten minutes!!!

Mexican Style Cauliflower Rissoto on Zucchini Noodles

It's easy to either spiralize zucchini noodles, or cut them  into noodles with a peeler or slicer. I spooned some of the creamy cashew sauce onto the noodles and added a scoop of Mexican Style Cauliflower Rissoto. Garnish with chopped red cabbage, fresh parsley, and cracked pepper. DONE. Take a moment. Be present. Be grateful, and enjoy this beautiful living meal!

This could be warmed in the dehydrator if you like!


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