Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Green Chocolate Walnut Smoothie

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January 2, 2012

Green Chocolate Walnut Smoothie

This continues to be one of my favorite smoothies, and it's so easy. If you don't have these ingredients, you might want to consider trying them...Sip slowly and savor the amazing, rich walnut flavor!!!

Green Chocolate Walnut Smoothie
1 young Thai coconut, meat and water
1 frozen banana
water, if needed to consistency desired
2-3 large collard greens leaves (or your favorite greens)
2 Tablespoons chia seeds
1 Tablespoon hemp seeds
2 Tablespoons Living Tree Community Alive Organic Walnut Butter
3 drops Medicine Flower Walnut Extract (optional, but awesome - really pops the flavor)
1 1/2 Tablespoons extra rich cacao powder
2 medjool dates (optional for sweetness)

Start blending coconut water and meat and gradually add remaining ingredients. Add ice and blend if you like it more chilled. Garnish with raw cacao bits, if desired. ENJOY!

Note: Mention "Rawfully Tempting" in the Shipping Comments and Medicine Flower will include a Special Bonus Sample with your order. Want to try a new flavor? Mention it and they will try to accommodate you. 


  1. Barbara, this sounds yummy! Love that it has both chia and hemp seeds in it!

    Where would I find the Medicine Flower Walnut Extract?

    Thanks for all you do! Happy 2012!

  2. Thanks on the LINK in the with ALL recipes, I try to Hyperlink ingredients to where I purchase them...hope that helps...ENJOY!!!


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