Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Kale, Kale, Kale, Kale - Like You've Never Seen It!

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December 19, 2011

Kale, Kale, Kale, Kale - Like You've Never Seen It!

Kale Chips are one of my favorite dehydrated snacks. The crunch of it is so very satisfying to me. I also love to watch the surprise on someone's face when they approach these treats with such trepidation and skepticism, only to discover they are as decadent as I promised. I'm currently working on a project to come up with innovative flavors that totally titillate the taste buds!
Egg Nog Kale Chips
Cranberry Kale Chips
Rawfully Tempting began with our amazing signature treat, Gourmet Chocolate Covered Kale Chips. These are AMAZING and like no other chocolate kale chips out there!

  I'll keep you posted and add photos below as we develop new and exciting flavors. Not to worry. I do plan on creating a recipe book just for these delightful CRUNCHIES....

Cheesy Curly Kale Chips

Gourmet Chocolate Covered Kale Chips 

What Makes These Chips So Very Tasty?  These Yummy Batters...

Cranberry Batter for Kale Chips
Egg Nog Batter for Kale Chips

Batter for Chocolate Covered Kale Chips

Kale Chips Can Be Ordered Here 
Contact Me For Any Flavors Not Yet Posted


  1. Hey, this is pretty cool and entertaining.... I will include this in the School Lunch Box project.... I know that colors should win the kids.... at least I would love to think so....;-) Thanks you for inspiration and hard work.

  2. Thank you Endorphinzzz. I hope the kids love your creations!!!


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