Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Creamy "Peanut Butter" Mousse Cups

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November 6, 2011

Creamy "Peanut Butter" Mousse Cups

Lovely little cups of decadent creamy mousse that are sure to please  your palate. This recipe could easily be used as a base to create a variety of flavors. Eliminate the nut butter, change the extract flavors, and create magnificent little cups of mousse in mint chocolate, chocolate raspberry, almond fudge, heavenly hazelnut, etc. The varieties are endless.  Check out Medicine Flower extracts in over 40 flavors and expand your culinary "palette."

"Peanut Butter" Mousse Cups
For the Crust:
1/2 cup almonds, soaked overnight and dehydrated
6 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1/2 Tbs cacao powder
pinch of vanilla bean powder (or 1 drop Vanilla Medicine Flower extract)

For the Mousse Filling:

1/4 cup cacao butter, grated with microplane
1 tsp melted coconut oil
1/2 cup cashews, soaked 3-4 hours
1/2 cup water (add more as needed to blend)
2 Tbs  ground chia
6 Tbsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp *sunflower lecithin (Optional - emulsifies)
3 Tbs almond butter (or your favorite nut butter)
3 Tbs cacao powder
pinch vanilla bean powder (or 1 drop Medicine Flower Vanilla
2 drops Medicine Flower Peanut Extract (optional)
2 drops Medicine Flower Dark Chocolate Extract, (optional)
pinch sea salt
1/2 Tbsp psylliulm husk powder, (optional - if needed to thicken)


For the Crust:
  1. In a food processor, mix ingredients until it starts to ball up.
  2. Lightly grease bottom of 6-8 individual fluted tart or mini cheesecake pans (removable bottoms preferred) with coconut oil.
  3. Press crust, firmly into bottom of each cup, pressing up 1/4 inch or so along sides and set aside.
For the Mousse Filling:
  1. Melt cacao butter and coconut oil. Place ingredient in a medium metal bowl over a small metal bowl filled with hot water. Set aside.
  2. In blender, mix nuts, water, Irish moss paste and maple syrup until creamy.
  3. Add nut butter, cacao powder, flavored extracts, salt, and continue to blend. (Add sunflower lecithin, if using)
  4. Spoon melted ingredients into blender and mix. The mixture should be quite thick and creamy, but blendable. Add psyllium husk powder if needed to thicken, and blend until creamy. Will get firmer when chilled.
  5. Taste for sweetness and adjust as needed.
  6. Spoon mixture into individual cups. Top with leftover crust mixture and grated cacao paste. You can add shredded coconut, chopped nuts, cacao nibs, etc.
  7. Refrigerate for several hours. 
  8. Remove from cups.
  9. Drizzle with your favorite chocolate syrup or serve as is.
Mention "Rawfully Tempting" in the Shipping Comments, and Medicine Flower will send a Special Bonus Sample with your purchase. Want to try a new flavor or product? Let them know, and they will try to accommodate you. Remember, these extracts are extremely concentrated and a 2-3 drops is equal to a teaspoon of other liquid flavor extracts.

"Raw sunflower seed lecithin contains a high level of choline, which breaks up cholesterol in the body and it is vital for the proper functioning of the brain. Unlike soy lecithin, sunflower lecithin is 100% raw! Sunflower lecithin is useful in maintaining normal cholesterol levels as part of a low cholesterol diet and is also a rich source of phosphatidylcholine for the prevention of gallstones. The high levels of choline are necessary for healthy liver and brain function. Sunflower lecithin is great when added to smoothies, soups and sauces. It also is very useful as a thickening agent."


  1. Boy , this sure does look "rawfullytempting." I sure hope you save me some. ~Raw Chef Dosa

  2. Thanks Dosa! Yesterday I made some White Chocolate Mousse Cups..came out fantastic...using Medicine Flower White Chocolate extract, however they are not as firm...i did add more cashews and more moss...but should have added psyllium husk powder to stiffen it a bit more. You have to play it by ear. If the mixture is really thick and firm, it will solidify some in chilling..but if it's creamy, but not a lot of body, then add a small amount of psyllium husk powder.

  3. Wow this looks so delicious! I look forward to following your blog!


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