Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Pistachio Fudge Pudding Parfait

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October 9, 2011

Pistachio Fudge Pudding Parfait

Mother Earth gave us a very special blessing today. The weather was FABULOUS and we took full advantage of it. We were outside all day at an art show where my daughter was showing her beautiful painted furniture. It was a long day and when I arrived home,  I wanted a quick energizing snack. This is what I created.

I do hope you'll begin to try some of these ingredients.  If you want to take your raw treats to the next level, these little nuances make a big difference!!!

Pistachio Fudge Pudding Parfait. 
Serves 4-6
1 young Thai coconut (meat and water) or 2cups shredded coconut, (soaked 2 hours) and 1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup cashews
2 - 3 Tbsp Pistachio Butter or 1/4cup pistachios 
1/2 tsp of Vanilla extract
2 Tbsp maple syrup or honey
4 Tbsp chia seeds (I used white so as not to darken the pudding)
1/2 tsp lucuma powder, optional
1 medium kale leaf or more per taste (not enough to alter flavor)
Make a small mixture of chocolate syrup with cacao powder, water and sweetener.

Blend all ingredients, except Chocolate Syrup, until creamy.
Taste for sweetness and adjust. If using pistachios, add additional water as needed.

Fill 4 parfait glasses 1/3 of the way with pudding. Spoon a small amount of Chocolate Syrup over pudding. Pour rest of pudding into glass. Using a toothpick, move the Chocolate Syrup, making a pretty design. You can do more than one layer, just use less pudding in each layer. In this photo, I did two very thin layers of the syrup.

Sprinkle with chopped pistachio nuts. Refrigerate for several hours and serve.

And here's a photo from daughter's art show...

1 comment :

  1. These look amazing!!!! Again, my friend you have exceeded yourself!!!


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