Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Pistachio Crisps/Crackers

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October 17, 2011

Pistachio Crisps/Crackers

Still on a pistachio kick! The other day we made that delicious Pistachio Green Dream Smoothie, right? Well, I had some gorgeous pistachio pulp left over and decided to use this and create a new cracker recipe. I ended up with these fantastic crisps. Eat as is, or smear with some luxurious Pistachio Butter.  If you are missing crunchy will love these!

Pistachio Crisps/Crackers
1/2 cup pistachio pulp or ground meat
1/4 cup almond flour
2 Tablespoons ground flax seed
7 Tablespoons water
1 Tablespoon maple syrup (or your fav sweetener)
pinch sea salt

Mix ground flax seed and water. Whisk and let sit 5 or 10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and stir by hand.

Spread as thin as possible  on non-stick dehydrator sheet. (Offset Spatulas are great for this). Dehydrate at 110 degrees for 2 hours.

Score squares, creating individual crackers and continue to dehydrate for 2-3 hours.

Flip onto another dehydrator mesh and peel off non-stick sheet. Dehydrate over night or until crispy.

Serve with your favorite nut-butter, or crumble over salad.


  1. This sounds so simply and delicious! I haven't had pistachios for ages--it seems like they're impossibly expensive up here, and almost always roasted, salted, in-shell...


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