Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Green Dream - Pistachio Smoothie

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October 15, 2011

Green Dream - Pistachio Smoothie

Per usual, I can be found in the kitchen playing around with ingredients. For breakfast,  I whipped this absolutely green, creamy delight together...Fabulous! W and I both loved this one.

Green Dream - Pistachio Smoothie
1/2 cup pistachios
or 1/4 cup pistachios and 1/4 cup almonds, soaked overnight
3 cups filtered water
pinch of sea salt

Blend these, until creamy, and gently squeeze through a nut milk bag, cheese cloth or strainer. (save pulp for crackers or other goodies). Put pistachio milk back in blender and add:

2 frozen bananas
2 Tbsp chia seeds
6 kale leaves, (stems removed)
1 Tbsp Living Tree Community Pistachio Butter (optional)
1 Tbsp - your favorite sweetener (maple syrup, stevia, lucuma powder, yacon root, etc).

Blend until creamy.  ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!!!

Nutritious and Delicious
The pistachio nut is a source of over 30 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Pistachio nuts contain these wonderful nutrients: 
--Copper: strengthens connective tissue, aids cardiovascular system and nerves.
--Manganese: helps metabolism, builds bones
--Magnesium: regulates body temperature and important for bone health
--Vitamin A (beta carotene), lutein and zeaxanthin: promotes healthy vision
--B6 and other B vitamins (folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and pantothetic acid): crucial for many body building systems including the blood, nervous and immune systems.


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