Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Green - Chocolate Walnut Smoothie

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October 14, 2011

Green - Chocolate Walnut Smoothie

I get bored easily, and I like to challenge myself by trying new ingredients. I love to see how many different ways I can utilize them in different recipes. I'll include some of these ingredients when I publish my recipes. I think it helps you to expand your culinary palette and give you more options. There is always the option to eliminate an ingredient, or replace it with something else. People can become frustrated or intimidated when a recipe lists an ingredient they may not be familiar with. I highly encourage you to overcome the urge to bypass a recipe just because you don't recognize an ingredient. Try something NEW and little by little, you will have an amazing new tool box of goodies that will enhance your raw living lifestyle, and bring you joy and satisfaction.
Transitioning to a new lifestyle does not happen overnight. Make changes slowly that don't seem overwhelming, but allow the changes to be fun. When I list a new ingredient, I generally add a hyperlink directing you to a supplier or information about that product. You can always post a question on my FaceBook Wall, or JOIN Rawfully Tempting Goodness and submit your question or thoughts there. Don't be afraid of change. Embrace it...and discover new and exciting flavors and textures that please the palate.  I had two new products to work with and I incorporated them in the recipe below.

Green - Chocolate Walnut Smoothie
1 young Thai Coconut (meat and water)
1/2 to 1 cup filtered water (if needed for more volume)
2 frozen bananas
handful of kale or dandelion
3 Tbsp chia seeds

Blend until creamy. Add ice and blend. Enjoy.

Note: Mention Rawfully Tempting in Shipping Comments, and Medicine Flower will send a Special Bonus Sample with your order. Want to try another flavor? Specify the sample you want and they will try to accommodate you whenever possible. 


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