Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Come on Out and Meet Us All! Pastapalooza!

Personal Stuff... (Check for Updates)

September 18, 2011

Come on Out and Meet Us All! Pastapalooza!

 Click HERE for details for this RAWsome event!
Raw Chef Dosa and Raw Chef Jane Karuschkat will be there too, as well as my "official RT Taster" - W! Looking forward to meeting you all! (see pics below)

Barbara Shevkun (aka - Rawfully Tempting

Raw Chef Jane K.

Raw Chef Dosa

W - Official RT Taster and Sous Chef


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*SPAM continues to increase. I've temporarily changed settings to Registered Users Only - I'm sorry, but I can't keep up with having to delete so many spam messages every day. I hope you understand. I want this blog to be spam free!

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