Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothie

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September 26, 2011

Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothie

Num Num Num! You all know how much I love chocolate and I'm really not a fruity person, (well, that may be debatable), but I really enjoyed the Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie I made previously, and wanted to try something similar...but different.  

Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothie 
(serves 2) 
2 1/2 cups water or coconut water
1/2 cup Young Thai coconut meat  (opt)
5 kale leaves (approx)

2 frozen bananas 
2 dates, pitted and chopped 
1 Tbsp ea., hemp, ground flax, ground chia

1 - 2 Tbsp cacao powder 
3 drops 
Medicine Flower black cherry  extract    (or other brand -if you can find such a thing.)
1 drop Medicine Flower dark chocolate extract (opt)
Option: Use frozen cherries, however, the flavor will not be as concentrated, but still delicious)
Blend until creamy and ENJOY! The tiny amount of Medicine Flower flavors add so much flavor, I don't know what I'd do without them. It's easy to add TOO much...1-2 drops and some flavors really need less than 1 start with the smallest amount and add to taste.  Add ice and blend until creamy!

BONUS- Mention "Rawfully Tempting" in the Shipping Comments, and Medicine Flower will send you a Special Bonus Sample. Want to try a new flavor? Let them know, and you may be able to get a sample with your purchase! 


  1. Oh lord, this sounds delicious. My mouth literally watered when i saw that image! I reckon any other fruit flavor can be added for more variation, yes? I normally make my smoothies with frozen or fresh fruits, but these Medicine Flower extracts sound wonderful. I've been exploring their website, and their products are very interesting. Though I normally prefer to stick to real fruits and veggies, I've already got some ideas abut how to use some of these natural extracts in some of my desserts! Sometimes you simply cannot get enough concentrated flavor by using whole fruits. Thanks for letting us know about Medicinal Flower!

  2. Thanks RA! These certainly don't replace fruit..but can enhance you said..sometimes, the flavor from real fruit is just not potent enough, so a little drop of this boosts the natural flavor..but...when i was on a cleanse for candida and was not allowed to have fruit..or I'm trying to watch my fruit sugar content..then I really rely on these too....they are quite strong and take some getting used to...GO EASY!!!! Don't forget about the BONUS...let her know RT sent you..COFFEE is still my all time favorite..and next is vanilla.....i brought them to my class in NYC and the folks went crazy just inhaling them! The vanilla is like no other I've ever used....!!!


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