Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: The Simplicity of Raw - Interview

Personal Stuff... (Check for Updates)

August 30, 2011

The Simplicity of Raw - Interview

Our interview was scheduled in the midst of Mercury gone retrograde - so this is what we got. No video of me, but a two part interview..and you get to stare at my face the whole time. Blessings. Thanks Maria and Kristen from What Matters Most!   Don't Miss Part 2 Below:


  1. Dear Barbara,
    I am a huge fan. I love your website, your recipes and am here quite often! It was fun (and informative) listening to your interview!! I just wanted to thank you for all that you do, so - thank you!!!!

    Wishing you continued good health and success. ~

  2. Thank you Gabriele!!! I am a FAN of your creative and beautiful silk work as well...I'm honored that you took the time to comment....



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