Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Quick MozzaRAWla Cheese

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August 28, 2011

Quick MozzaRAWla Cheese

Here is a quick and easy "cheese" that can be used for pizza, zucchini pasta, rawvioli, etc. Feel free to embellish with your favorite herbs and spices. I prefer to keep the cheese simple and add spices to my sauces.

Quick MozzaRAWla Cheese
1 cup macadamia nuts (soaked 2 hours - or cashews)
2 tsp pine nuts
2 tsp light miso (optional)
3/4 cup water or enough to blend
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp nutritional yeast ((optional)
salt and pepper to taste

Quick MozzaRAWla Cheese Preparation 
Blend nuts and water until very creamy.  Add remaining ingredients and season per taste.

Spread on a non-sitck dehydrator sheet and dehydrate to make MozzaRAWla Cheese "slices"


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