Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Super Quick Asian "Noodles"Garden Salad

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July 5, 2011

Super Quick Asian "Noodles"Garden Salad

OHhhhhhh My Gosh! SO quick and So easy. The only problem with this, is that I did not make enough of it and want MORE! This is so light and refreshing. It's a great side salad for your SAD friends, or a main course. Cucumbers and summer squash make this a very cooling dish. Suggestion: Serve with Sunflower Seed Pate.

For this dish I ended up using the spirializer that I had packed away and thought I hated. It worked great. Unlike my World Cuisine spiralizer, which is awesome for "pasta" like dishes, my Benriner Cook  Help spiralizer, using the medium blade, does not remove the seeds/core and you get a very watery, juicy, stringy strand, which works perfectly for a cole slaw. This was so tasty that I drank the left over juice from the bowl.

You could also use a vegetable peeler or mandoline for a similar effect. *Made this again...and I used the World Cuisine Spiralizer this time, with the smallest blade and it turned out GREAT!

Asian Noodles Garden Salad - Serves 2
1 large zucchini (spiralized THIN)
1 yellow summer squash (spiralized thin)
1/2 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cucumber, sliced thin
1/2 red bell pepper, julienne
1/4 red onion, sliced very thin
1 carrot, shredded
2 Tbsp brown rice vinegar
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1 Tbsp olive oil (optional)
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp minced ginger
1 Tbsp nama shoyu (or tamari)
2 tsp honey or agave nectar
black sesame seeds (garnish)
Spiralize zucchini and squash finely, or finely julienne cut, or use a mandoline.

Place cut veggies in a large mixing bowl and add remaining ingredients. Mix and let sit for 30 minutes or so...or eat right away. It's perfect!


  1. Looks super amazingly tummy.

  2. It looks good! I could use some right now :)

  3. Thanks Delicious Shots - I'm going to have to make more of this today!!! By the way, I'm trying some of your photo tips...this one turned out pretty good. Thank you again!!! You take the BEST food pics ever!

  4. Looks very pretty!


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