Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Blueberry and "Tapioca" Parfait

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July 14, 2011

Blueberry and "Tapioca" Parfait

This was so easy, light and refreshing, and only took me about 20 minutes to prepare. I didn't really measure the ingredients, but I'll try and estimate for you. White chia seeds absorb the liquid and give the pudding a very tapioca like texture. Add a good vanilla extract, and you have an absolutely divine dessert!

Blueberry and Tapioca Parfait
1 cup blueberries

Tapioca Pudding
1/2 cup cashews
1/2 to 3/4 cup water (add slowly as needed)
pinch sea salt
1 tsp vanilla extract - I used 3 drops *Medicine Flower Extract (it's my absolute favorite vanila)
1 1/2 Tbsp raw honey (or your liquid sweetener of choice)
2 Tbsp white chia (you can use regular, but it will darken color of tapioca pudding)
1/8 tsp cinnamon, to taste

Note: You can decrease the cashews and increase a bit of chia too!

Blend cashews and water until creamy. add remaining ingredients and taste for sweetness. Add more chia seeds to thicken as desired.

In a wine glass, alternate layers of  blueberries and Tapioca pudding. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Chill or enjoy immediately!!! 

*Note: Mention "Rawfully Tempting" in Shipping Comments, and Medicine Flower will include a Special Bonus Sample with any order.

Another Tapioca Pudding Recipe that is a little more time intensive can be found HERE.


  1. I made this today with just picked blueberries and it was to die for!! So easy and wonderfully decadent feel to it for such a small expenditure of time and energy. I used macadamias as I didn't have cashews and I'm sure a blend of any of them would work well. I also did it in my small personal blender so there was hardly any cleanup. Win, win, win and truly one of the yummiest treats ever! Thank you RT!!!!

  2. Looks delicious! How many does this serve?
    Thank you

  3. Sorry ANONYMOUS - I threw this one together awhile ago..and don't recall..I'd say about four by looking at it...but not sure.


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