Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Raw Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake

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June 27, 2011

Raw Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake

  1. What a light and pleasant surprise. This cheesecake is so light and refreshing, and a great summer snack. Blueberries are loaded with rich antioxidants and because this dessert is raw, you reap the benefits in a big way! According to new studies, there is evidence that blueberries may also improve memory and cognitive functions. So enjoy this delicious dessert without guilt!

Blueberry Cheesecake

3/4 cup almond flour or pulp 
3 Tbsp. almonds, soaked for 6-8 hours
pinch of sea salt
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp cacao powder (optional)
3/4 cup Medjool dates, chopped

1 1/4 cup cashews, (soaked 2 hours)
3/4 cup water
2 cups blueberries
1 frozen banana
3 Tbsp. lemon juice
6 Tbsp. grated cacao butter, melted
2 tsp coconut oil, melted
1 Tbsp. raw honey (or agave), to taste
1 tsp. vanilla extract (alcohol free) (or 3 drops Medicine Flower Vanilla Extract)
1/4 cup Irish moss paste (optional - or 2 Tbs cashews)
1 1/2 Tbsp. psyllium husk powder (to thicken ,if needed)
1 pinch sea salt

1 cup blueberries
1 Tbsp. grade B maple syrup (or honey)
pinch sea salt
1 tsp lemon juice 
2 Tbsp shredded coconut for garnish

Preparing Crust
Add nuts to food processor until finely ground. Add dates and salt, and process until it balls up and add pulp.

Sprinkle bottom of 8" spring form pan  with a bit of almond meal.

Press dough into pan, creating a very thin crust.

Preparing Filling
Put grated or shaved cacao butter along with coconut oil in a metal bowl. Either melt in dehydrator or place over a smaller metal bowl, filled with hot water and allow to melt.

Combine all ingredients except psyllium in a high speed blender until creamy. Add lecithin and psyllium and mix well. It should be very thick and creamy.

Spoon into crust and refrigerate 2-4 hours to allow cake to firm and set. 

Prepare Topping
Place blueberries in a bowl. Gently stir in ingredients, except for coconut. Pour onto top of cake while still in pan. Sprinkle with coconut and refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

To Serve:
Gently remove cake from pan.

Store in refrigerator for 2-3 days or freeze for several weeks.


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