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May 3, 2011


with my dear Medicine Flower friends in Oregon and totally enjoying the GREEN that surrounds us. I saw the Redwoods for the first time in my life, along with The Coast. I am in awe of the beauty! Walking on the beach and enjoying the sunset was so healing and relaxing. The energy here is fabulous. My body feels rejuvenated and my soul is at peace. What a comfortable place to be! I have never felt so completely enveloped by our Earth Mother. This was an amazing trip and I look forward to coming back soon! Loved finally meeting the folks at Medicine Flower and getting to sample their amazing product line.

Today we had a wonderful green smoothie:

Green Mango Smoothie
1 young Thai coconut
additional water (as needed)
1 mango (frozen)
3 Tbsp hemp seed
2 Tbsp chia seeds
3 drops Medicine Flower Passion Fruit extract
1 drop Medicine Flower Banana extract
4 kale leaves

Blend until creamy and enjoy!

*Mention Rawfully Tempting in the Shipping Comments and Medicine Flower will send an extra Bonus Sample.


  1. So glad you had a good time there. Aren't the redwoods stunning? That's so cool that you connected with Medicine Flower--I love their products too.
    We're visiting friends in Tucson right now, helping with their house project, but are going to OR too, tomorrow, to visit Phil's mom briefly--a whirlwind trip for sure.

  2. That is absolutely wonderful. I hope to get to the Redwoods someday. I am blessed to live in the Southwest. A beautiful and bountiful desert, if you know what to look for.

  3. So glad you're having a good time! Those smoothies sound great. :)

  4. wow, what beautiful pics!! I have been wanting to do a review for medicine flower extracts!! :)


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