Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: StRAWganoff - Mushroom Stroganoff (Nutless)

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May 25, 2011

StRAWganoff - Mushroom Stroganoff (Nutless)

Another really quick and easy throw-it-together meal. I LOVE zucchini noodles. There are so many creative ways to serve them. I was on my own for the week and didn't feel like fussing in the kitchen. I literally threw this meal together in a matter of minutes. It's a keeper!

Mushroom Stroganoff
2 medium tomatoes
1 - 2 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped
1/2 avocado
1/4 tsp each, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder
1/8 tsp sea salt
pinch  cayenne pepper
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
1 Tbsp  hemp seed
1/2 orange bell pepper, coarsely chopped
1/2 red bell pepper , thinly sliced (for garnish)
3 cups mushrooms, sliced  (best to mix two different types of mushrooms)
1/2 small red onion, chopped (set a bit aside for garnish)
3/4 cup  broccoli, sliced 

In a blender, mix tomatoes, fresh parsley, basil, avocado and other spices. Mix until creamy.

Blend in nutritional yeast and  hemp seed.

Add orange bell pepper, onion, broccoli, and mushrooms and pulse blend, leaving mixture a bit chunky. (set aside a small amount of each for garnishing)

Taste and add additional herbs or cayenne, per your preference.

Serve over spiralized zucchini (see link on bottom of page) or kelp  noodles. Top with extra veggies. Add red bell pepper for color.

Tip: If using kelp noodles, rinse and soak in lemon water for at least one hour prior to serving to soften noodles.

Place in dehydrator at 115 degrees for 30 - 60 minutes if you'd like to warm this.

Suggestion: If you have more time, you can marinate some of the garnish toppings in a bit of oil and nama shoyu, and dehydrate at 110 degrees for 1-2 hours.  It makes the veggies a little more tender and brings out the bright colors you get when stir frying - without destroying the enzymes!

This is How I Spiralize My Zucchini

1 comment :

  1. yum! this will be dinner tonight.
    thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe.
    peace and raw health,


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