Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Chocolate Silk Mousse Cake

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April 25, 2011

Chocolate Silk Mousse Cake

H  E  A  V  E  N  L  Y! I loved it because unlike processed chocolate mousse, this had a lovely bittersweet flavor. Creamy and rich, but not too sweet. The consistency was fabulous!

What I love about raw desserts is you only need a small amount to satisfy your sweet tooth. This cake was made in a 5 inch round spring-form pan and was perfect for 6 adults. A small sliver goes a long way! The only thing I'd add to this next time, are some chunks of chopped walnuts on top. This cake is a bit of work if you don't have a Vitamix..but the first time I made it..I did not have my Vitamix. The Irish moss paste was a bit of a chore and took a lot of patience to get it extra smooth and creamy. Now that I have my VM, Irish Moss Paste is simple. Either way, this was worth the effort. It's not difficult...just  a bit time consuming.  Good can be frozen! I think of it as Mindful Food Preparation or a Meditation on Food. It helps me stay focused and allows me to infuse whatever I made with LOVE!

Now...after you make this the first time...get creative. Try eliminating the almond extract and almond butter, and use different flavor extracts to create a completely exotic silky mousse cake in almost any flavor!! You can do it!!! 

NOTE - the best way to prepare this, is to prepare Irish Moss Paste (listed below) in advance. I freeze it in ice cube trays and store in a glass, airtight bowl or zip lock bag. When you need it, remove from freezer and defrost..and you are ready to make your cake!

1 cup walnuts
1/4  cup macadamia nuts
1/2  cup medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1 Tbsp cacao powder 
pinch of vanilla bean powder or 1 drop Vanilla Medicine Flower Extract 

Chocolate Silk Mousse 
3  Tbsp melted cacao butter (measured after melting)
3  Tbsp melted cacao paste (measured after melting)
1  tsp melted coconut oil
1 1/4 cup cashews, soaked 2-4 hours
1/4  cup filtered water (add more as needed to blend)
1/4 cup *Irish moss paste (optional  or 2 1/2 Tbsp ground chia and 1 Tbsp coconut oil)
1/2 avocado
3 Tbsp almond butter
1/2 cup maple syrup or your favorite sweetener
1/2  tsp almond extract or 2 drops *Medicine Flower Almond Extract  
1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp cacao powder 
pinch sea salt
1 tsp sunflower lecithin (optional - emulsifier makes things creamier)
1 Tbsp psyllium husk powder 

Garnish of your choice: sifted cacao powder, grated cacao paste, grated cacao butter, cacao nibs, chocolate chips, chopped nuts, coconut, chocolate sauce, etc.

Process nuts and add ingredients and continue to process until it starts to ball up. Stop machine and scrape sides of bowl with spatula. Lightly dust bottom of a 5 - 6" spring form pan with cacao powder. Press crust, firmly into bottom of dish. (You may have extra crust. You can store in an airtight container and freeze for future use, or even make cookies out of them).

Mousse Preparation
Melt cacao butter, cacao paste and coconut oil. To melt: Place ingredients in a  medium metal bowl over hot water in a small metal bowl. Stir until melted.

In blender, mix nuts and water. Add Irish moss paste and avocado and blend until creamy. Add almond butter, sweeteners, extracts and cacao powder. Blend well.

Add melted ingredients sea salt and lecithin and blend. Add psyllium husk powder and blend until creamy. It should be getting quite thick and you may have to stop blender and stir with spatula.

Taste for sweetness and flavor. Adjust flavor as needed.

Pour mousse mixture over crust.  Smooth top of cake using a small offset spatula. Refrigerate for several hours to set. Top with your favorite toppings. (See suggested list above). For best results, let set overnight.

Remove from refrigerator and spring form pan about 1 hour prior to serving. You may top with fresh "whipped cream" as well.  

*How to Prepare Irish Moss Paste 
 Grab a handful of Sea moss. It doubles in size after soaking. Rinse really well. I put it right under running water and use a vegetable brush to gently scrub off lose sand or debris. Soak  in water and refrigerate 6 - 12 hours, rinse  and replace water twice.

Final rinse. Chop 1/2 cup of moss in small pieces. (Store remaining moss in water, refrigerated for up to 2 weeks- changing water daily). Blend 1/2 cup soaked and chopped Irish moss with 1 cup water. Blend well, and frequently scrape sides of blender. Make sure there are no small pieces... be patient.

(Ratio for paste is 1 part moss to 2 parts water). You only need 1/4 cup of Irish moss paste for this recipe. Store extra paste in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. (Try mixing a bit in your hand with your shampoo or with your shaving gel. You can apply it as it to your face for a great facial mask. It's awesome!)

Add Irish moss paste to puddings, sauces, salad dressings, etc. 

*Note: If you purchase any Medicine Flower products, mention Rawfully Tempting, (in the Shipping Comments) and receive an extra special bonus sample with your order.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh my gosh!! This sounds amazing!!

  2. That sounds so delicious. I love your talk of mindful food prep also.

    Inspiring that you did it without a Vitamix--I did without for years but was so glad when I got one last year. On the other hand, I've never had a dehydrator, and have just decided recently that now's the time--I hope I get mine soon and you get your vita!

  3. Thanks Ela. OOO, I hope you get a dehydrator soon really opens up the door to things you can create. I know some people don't like to use it..or feel its a Process..which it is..but so is blending or food processing..but we are creatures that like variety and the dehydrator makes raw FUN for me...offering up so many different textures....and YES..i want that vitamix..would sure save a LOT of time!!!! LOL

  4. Yum! I'll have to try this recipe!
    I got 3 flavors from Medicine Flower per your recommendation and, as promised, here's my review: LOVE! The strawberry is so strong and it took me a few tries to realize that was the problem, one drop is plenty for a 10 ounce cup of water! The vanilla is like cake! And lastly, black cherry is unique and yummy. I like all as perfumes too, just a dab on my wrists
    Thanks so much for answering all my questions prior to my ordering. :) I can't wait to order more flavors!!!

  5. Oh, and this is Meredith, by the way! :) And I do add a sweetener to most of my drinks (stevia or xylitol), in case other readers are wondering.

  6. way too much work, how bout you make me one????? LOL I will do a review on my blog!!! hahahhhaha

  7. Meredith - so glad you are enjoying the Medicine Flower Extracts. I warn people..they are CONCENTRATED- a little goes a long way. The price seems high, but when you realize how little you use, and how concentrated the flavors's worth it...thanks for the feedback. I'm sure MF will be very happy to hear!

    @rawkinmom - come on over for a taste...! Oh wait..sorry..I ate the last piece.. OOPS. lol..I promised Medicine Flower that I'd make her one of those cakes while visiting here in Oregon this week....I'll take pics and send you a virtual bite. LOL Sorry!

  8. How much lecithin? I don't see it in the ingredient list.

  9. I use Sunflower Lecithin..but it's optional. 1 tsp. Enjoy!

  10. This is a deli onus and fun recipe! Thanks so much for posting it.


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