Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Chef Russell James Advanced Workshop at Organic Avenue

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April 27, 2011

Chef Russell James Advanced Workshop at Organic Avenue

Last weekend, Chef Dosa and I headed into New York City, to Organic Avenue for an amazing advanced workshop with Chef Russell James. I've admired his work from a distance for some time viewing his videos, learning from his Home Study Course and reading his fabulous newsletters, but seeing him up close and personal was the most rewarding experience!

We learned how to temper raw chocolate, roll sushi, make incredible marble cake. gnocchi, cheese, ice cream and more! Russell packed a ton of valuable information into a 3 hour class. He is a fabulous speaker, and aside for a glitch with a breaking glass bowl (LOL), the class was perfect. If you are looking for a great resource to help you get in the kitchen, roll up your sleeves, and start to prepare some elegant fine raw cuisine, check out his complete line of ebooks.  Chef Dosa and I had a fabulous day in the city, and completed our day with a lovely dinner, and for the life of me, right now, I cannot remember the name of the restaurant. Dosa? Harley? Do either of you recall the name of the place we had dinner at?

I'm headed off to Oregon for a week of fun and good food with our friends from Medicine Flower.  Let's see what fun things we can stir up!

Harley stopped by after class and joined us for dinner


  1. That's great that you experienced that class and had such a good time. How awesome that you're going to meet with the medicine flower folks too--can't wait to hear more about that.

    If you have a minute, I'd love to hear what you think about my latest not-quite-raw cheesecake escapade


  2. I am so jealous that you got a pic with him!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. thanks trying to connect..but internet connectivity here is sketchy..will def check out the post. Blessings


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