Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Coconut Pearpricot - Green Smoothie

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March 1, 2011

Coconut Pearpricot - Green Smoothie

Woohoo!  Yesterday, I received some new *flavored extracts to experiment with, and blended up this fabulous green goodness for breakfast this morning. Just a few drops of the concentrated extracts adds a lovely layer of flavor to this living elixir!

For 2 Coconut Pearpricot Smoothies:

1 young Thai Coconut, milk and meat
kale or dandelion (enough to make it nice and green)
1 frozen banana
1 pear
3 Tbsp hemp seeds
2 Tbsp ground chia seeds
1 Tbsp Artisan Coconut Butter
3-4 drops *Medicine Flower Apricot Extract (optional)
Add extra water as needed

Blend coconut water and meat with greens. Add remaining ingredients and blend. Add ice and blend to your liking. ENJOY!

*Mention Rawfully Tempting in Shipping Comments and Medicine Flower will send a SAMPLE BONUS with your order.


  1. Ooh, that sounds delightful! I have the apricot extract but haven't played with it yet--I just adore those flavor extracts...

    Love your smoothie's name too!

  2. you are brave to put dandelion in there. i have to be careful on not overdoing that, it's, cleansing. :-)

    i love the sound of apricot extract.

  3. Bitt, I've never had a problem with dandelion at all, and my system is sensitive. I can't use a lot of greens that most people use. I can use kale and dandelion. But yeah..this smoothies was yummy..and I'm stuck on my chocolate, nut butter smoothies, so this was a nice change for me!!

  4. Wow what an exotic smoothie. I would feel quite good about myself if I started off the day with one of these!

  5. Thanks Ashlea. It really had a very pleasing flavor...can't wait to experiment more with the apricot extract.

  6. This looks really interesting! I so love your blog:)

  7. Thanks so much MsByn!! I appreciate your feedback and kind words!!!

  8. Love your new Website!

    How was the Expo?

    Hugs, much appreciate your hard work!!!


  9. Thanks Linda! The expo went very well, considering it was my first. Very exciting..and very busy! Very exhausting too! LOL..CRASHING and PAMPERING TODAY! It was a great experience. Learned a lot...for example: I have TOO MANY flavors. I think sometimes that too many to choose from is not always a good thing. HAHAHA.


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