Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Zippy Veggie Crisps

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February 18, 2011

Zippy Veggie Crisps

This started as an experiment. I was actually trying to make a ravioli shell. Wellllllll, I overslept this morning, and came down to these crispy sweeties!!!! They are awesome, super thin, super crispy, and super satisfying. Love em!!!! These are going to be one of my new favorites!!!

I didn't write anything down, just threw a bunch of things together in the blender. Zucchini, tomato, orange bell pepper, flax and sprouted quinoa flour, plus some seasonings for zip. (crushed garlic, dried basil, onion powder, sea salt, cayenne). So easy!

Spread onto non-stick dehydrator sheet and dehydrate overnight. Peel off, break into pieces and dehydrate until really dry and crispy. Of course, I can create these in several different flavors. I'm thinking lots of sesame seeds next time.

*Get These At RT's Online Cafe


  1. mistakes can be wonderful!
    Peace & Raw Health,

  2. They sure can be Elizabeth..I've had a few mistakes turn out to be wonderful creations.



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