Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Best of Raw 2010 - Show Your Support

Personal Stuff... (Check for Updates)

January 26, 2011

Best of Raw 2010 - Show Your Support

Voting ends 1/31/11, so please cast your vote before then! Thank you!

Hi Everyone! I hope the New Year has started off well for you all. I wanted to remind you that there are only a few days left to show your support and cast your vote in the 2010 Best of Raw Competition. If you've not done so, I ask that you take a moment to click on the link and check it out. This is an opportunity for you give back, and show your support to your favorite raw vegan blogs, chefs, videos, books, and communities that dedicate themselves to providing you with amazing information!

I am so honored to have been nominated for 3 categories: Raw Vegan Blog, Raw Simple Chef, and Raw Gourmet Chef. For those of you that took the time to nominate and/or vote for me, I thank you with all of my heart. I am deeply moved. There are so many amazing people on the list of nominees, and I'm so pleased to be part of that group! If you have not yet voted, please take a look, and if you feel so inclined...VOTE!

How to Vote:
-Go to and Select the “Click Here To Vote” banner on top of the page. 
-Enter a valid email address
- Select: "Vote for Media”  
- Find the category Raw Vegan Blog. Vote for Rawfully Tempting
- Enter the CAPTCHA code provided and click Submit
You'll be redirected back to the categories section.
- Select: “Vote for People ” 
-Find the categories, Raw Simple Chef and Raw Gourmet Chef and vote for Barbara Shevkun(or your personal favorite)
-Enter the CAPTCHA code and click Submit

Link to Vote:

You can only cast your vote until the end of January, so don't delay! Feel free to share this link with any friends that might be interested.

Thank you so much for your love, friendship and ongoing support. You are the BEST!

Rawfully Yours,


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog. It looks great and although I don't eat ALL raw, I am trying to incorporate more of into our family's diet of eating clean this year. Thanks for the great work!

  2. Thank you again, MsByn, I appreciate your support! I'm not 100 percent raw either and my goal is to help people at all ends of the raw spectrum, find fun, creative and healthy recipes to enhance their diet. Enjoy. Come back as often as you like! Blessings!


Due to an increase in attempts to publish spam comments on this blog, and in an effort to keep the material on this blog free from such spam, all comments are moderated and require a security code. I apologize for this and hope that you will continue to post your wonderful comments here. Blessings!

*SPAM continues to increase. I've temporarily changed settings to Registered Users Only - I'm sorry, but I can't keep up with having to delete so many spam messages every day. I hope you understand. I want this blog to be spam free!

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