Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: GIVEAWAY - The "New" Living Cookbook - 2011

Personal Stuff... (Check for Updates)

December 26, 2010

GIVEAWAY - The "New" Living Cookbook - 2011

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED (But you can still download the FREE Trial. Click on link below).
Do you love collecting recipes, or preparing food? How about creating your own recipes? Do you wish your recipes were more organized and looked more professional? The Living Cookbook Recipe Management Software will organize your recipes and enable you to import recipes from the Internet in a professional recipe book style format.

Create your own cookbook and publish it. Print recipes, or use the electronic version like an ebook.

Generate a grocery shopping list and calculate the nutritional analysis of your recipes. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Download the Living Cookbook 2011 Free Trial NOW and check out all of the amazing new features! Living Cookbook Recipe Management Software is an awesome recipe management program. I used to save my recipes as Word Documents, and it became so cumbersome and challenging to organize them or find what I needed, when I needed it.

The Living Cookbook Recipe Management Software makes it so simple to save, sort and search recipes. Printed and/or electronic recipes are displayed in a professional format, making recipes easy to follow. I like to place my printed recipes in plastic sheet protectors and store them in a binder. I slip the protected page out of my binder and don't have to worry about getting the page soiled in the kitchen.

Have you ever wanted to adjust a recipe by doubling it, or dividing it in half? The Living Cookbook automatically calculates the ingredients for you. I love this software!!!

The Good News: Radium Technologies has agreed to Sponsor this Giveaway and will award their latest software to 2 LUCKY WINNERS. Winners will be randomly selected using !!!!! Read the rules and enter below.

*Note: I purchased this software about a year ago and fell in love with it. Radium Technologies has been kind enough to provide me with the latest update of this software. My enthusiasm comes from using the product for my own needs and loving it. (I have not been paid to do so). I hope you do too!

More About Living Cookbook
  • Manage your recipe collection
  • Plan meals using the meal planning calendar
  • Calculate nutrition for any recipe, menu or meal
  • Create grocery lists organized by grocery aisle
  • Manage your kitchen's inventory
  • Publish and print cookbooks
  • Print on any size paper, including index cards
  • Share your recipes as files or e-mails
  • Import every major recipe file format
  • Copy recipes directly from the Internet
  • Help file with over 500 help topics
  • Online support forum with over 32,000 members

Check out Screen Shots
View Demo Videos 

MANDATORY ENTRY  (#1 and/or #2)
1 - "LIKE" the Living Cookbook FB page and comment below. 

2 -  If you don't use FB you can - Go to Living Cookbook Recipe Management Software and View one Demo Video. Tell us which demo you viewed. (For additional entries below, you can view additional videos and submit one comment for each).

*Leave 1 comment for EACH entry and include an email address in EVERY entry.

Additional Entries: (First complete one Mandatory Entry):

1 - Go to Living Cookbook Recipe Management Software and View a Demo Video. Tell us which demo you viewed.

***Each Demo you view counts as 1 entry, so please enter a SEPARATE COMMENT for EACH demo viewed.

2 - Install the  Living Cookbook 2011 Free Trial and see for yourself how awesome this software is. Then tell us in the comments that you have downloaded the Trial.

3 - Update your FB status, saying you downloaded and are trying the Living Cookbook 2011 Free Trial, and tell us in comments below. (Include a link to your post).

4 -  Follow Rawfully Tempting's Blog - (Include your ID).

5 - Become a Rawfully Tempting Friend on Facebook - (Include FB First Name).

6 - Tweet this: "I'm trying the Living Cookbook 2011 Free Trial - Check it out! -" (Include Twitter ID)

*Include your email address in every comment!

- Contest begins Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 3:15 PM, EST. Deadline to enter is Monday, December 27, 2010 at 11 PM, EST.

- This Giveaway is open to anyone over the age of 18.

THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED - Congrats Kathy and Theresa


  1. I 'LIKE' Living Cookbook on FB (Rena - This software is much needed since I have recipes every where - written on papers in notebooks, on notepads and stored in my computer. I need the organization. I'm pretty new to Raw so right now I'm going recipe crazy.

  2. I liked Living Cookbook on Facebook.

    rmccoy1234 at

  3. I am a rawfully living facebook friend - robin.mccoy.ramirez

    rmccoy1234 at

  4. Please randomly pick me! I like the living cookbook. I have a budding raw foods business and really need to get my chaotic raw recipe collection under control. Living cookbook would be such a help. Cheers, Brittany

  5. I viewed the demo Calculating Nutrition, and found it very informative and very easy to use. I especially like the part where you can calculate from popular diets, Weight Watcher Points was the example on the demo. That is a big plus for people, especially the convenience of the computer doing it for you and not yourself. I am downloading this right now, and would be very interested in using this in my nutrition classes, I'm sure people would love this! Thanks! Kathy

  6. I just posted a link to my fb page with this posting "This is not just a great recipe organizer, but it also calculates your nutrition for every recipe and also organizes your grocery list according to your meal plan - which actually saves you a lot of time and money - I'm trying out the free trial right now - Thanks again! Kathy

  7. I Liked Living Cookbook on FB.

  8. I watched the demo on how to publish a family cookbook. Pretty slick!

  9. I'm friends with Rawfully Tempting on FB.

  10. I follow your blog.

  11. I like living cookbook on FB :)

  12. Friends with you on FB

    Pia Gron

  13. Liked the softwared on Facebook, I look forward to trying it out!

  14. I liked the Living Cookbook on FB1

  15. I liked Living Cookbook on FB.

  16. I viewed the recipe management demo video. This would be a huge improvement over my Word recipes.
    gptair at gmail dot com

  17. Yes! I 'like' Living Cookbook on FB very much, thank you

  18. I LIKE the Living Cookbook on Facebook.

  19. Well after ten years I finally get it!

    I LIKED "LIVING COOKBOOK" on facebook;)

    SOrry im retarted;)

    Thank you


  20. I "liked" Living Cookbook on Facebook!

    Christiane -

  21. I also follow your blog!

    Christiane -

  22. thanks Rawfully Tempting for this fantastic opportunity!

    We have just viewed some demo's, the first: 'Electronic Cookbook'... what an awesome use of modern technology!


  23. Once again, thanks to Rawfully Tempting ... this software is amazing!

    We just viewed the demo of 'Copy Internet Recipes'... one of the things I found most interesting was the auto calculation of the nutritional information, THAT is pretty cool!


  24. I "LIke" Living Cookbook on FB.
    Debbie C.

  25. I am a friend of Rawfully Tempting on FB and my name is Debbie Chioffe.

  26. This program looks like it could be so helpful! It would be so great to have all my recipes in one place! (i liked the living cookbook on fb)

    Best wishes!

  27. I watched the calculate nutrition demo video on the Living Cookbook website. What a GREAT feature!

  28. Watched the Meal Planning Demo...LOVE the calendar feature and planning options! What a great organizing tool.

  29. Oh my goodness, just watched the Copy Internet Recipe demo cool that you can dictate to the Living Cookbook program which features/details of the recipe you want to capture! So cool.

  30. I have downloaded the trial version of Living Cookbook

  31. I viewed the Recipe Management Demo Video and was very impressed.

  32. Just watched the Living Cookbook demo! Wow, this would make life so much easier. Wish I had this cool tool ten years ago when I made a family cookbook!

  33. I just downloaded the Living Cookbook trial!!!!

  34. Just updated my FB status to share that I downloaded the Living Cookbook trial!!/profile.php?id=100000536203444



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