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October 6, 2010

Traveling and Greens

Eating raw while traveling has certainly provided challenges for me. I continue to make my yummy green smoothies, but meal times are tough. I'm sitting in a hospital most of the day, so salads have become my friend. Here are some tips for creating some quick and easy salads on the go.

Find a Whole Foods or a market that provides a nice array of organic produce. The packaged greens work best for me, a little more costly, but much more convenient. Prior to this trip, I packed up raw sunflower seeds, dulse flakes, raisins, dates, and nuts.  Use these to garnish your salad. I also have that great seed mix (chia, hemp, flax) I packed together for smoothies, that can easily be sprinkled over a salad. Add some sliced pears or apples for some added flavor and texture that will keep you feeling satiated. Since I'm here for awhile, I did purchase a small bottle of olive oil and coconut water vinegar. I even purchased a container of sea salt. Ask the hotel for a little box and keep some of these things there for easy access.I picked up some inexpensive containers, so that I can make my salad and bring it with me. Don't be afraid to ask the hotel management for help with utensils that you will need during your stay. They have been very cooperative. I've even had to have some of my special supplements shipped here to the front desk, so I can continue my specific protocol, that changes week to week, while I'm away.

When I'm in a rush, and not able to prep a salad first, I keep stalks of celery in the refrigerator and take several of those, and an apple with me in a plastic bag. It helps to hold me over until I can find something else. Occasionally, I've had to grab salad from the cafeteria. That's when my sunflower seeds, raisins, and dulse flakes come in handy, and they don't take up a lot of room in your purse. You can always slice up some fresh fruit and add that to your salad as well. (Mango, pomegranate, pear, grapes, etc).

Another suggestion is to pit a few dates, smoosh them together, press in sunflower seeds and chia/hemp/flax mixture, and roll into little balls. Carry these with you for a quick energy fix.

I hope some of these ideas help you on your travels. Free free to comment below with your own suggestions.


  1. It's my first time visiting your blog and I really like it a LOT!
    I'm sorry to read about your mother's health problem,
    but with all the prayers going her way, I'm sure she will have a speedy recovery.

    I love reading that you drink green-smoothies.
    I can't get over how heathy they are!
    Am I allowed to say that this week I wrote about green-smoothies on my blog?
    I don't want to display bad blog-ettiquette! :(
    I've become a "Follower" now, so that I don't lose you.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Gabriele -

    Thanks for your kind comments. Of course it's okay that you wrote about them. It's YOUR BLOG! Write what you are passionate about!!!!

    Thanks for following..and keep in touch!!




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