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October 2, 2010

Traveling And Green Smoothies

Traveling, staying in hotels, and trying to eat raw are definitely challenging. As many of you know, my mom had a double bypass surgery that was pretty high risk...and she's run into some complications. She is in a great facility now for Respiratory Rehabilitation and I thank you for all of your prayers and good wishes!!!!

I can't say that eating raw away from home has been easy, however, the one thing I won't give up, are my green smoothies, and with some though and preparation, you CAN travel and continue to enjoy these green elixirs!

Prior to leaving, I purchased a personal blender with multiple containers, lids, and accessories. I also purchased a carrying case for it which fits in my carry-on bag (minus the blade- which I packed).

In preparation, I made a mixture of hemp, chia and ground flax seeds, and stored it in a mylar zip-lock bag, with a plastic spoon.  Our room has a mini-refrigerator, and W makes frequent trips to Whole Foods to get whatever we need. Upon check-in, W talked to the hotel and kitchen managers, explaining our dietary needs, and borrowed some utensils, along with a large French knife to open coconuts. A few extra containers or bags around helps too. (We knew we were coming back and they let us keep things here in the storage room).

My blender came with a little cutting board, which works great! I've finally learned to open coconuts pretty well, thanks to Russell James and his video. Using the back edge of a spoon handle, I can scrape out the meat of the coconut. coconut, pour half the water into each personal blender container. Add coconut meat and 1/2 a banana to each as well, along with a couple of spoonfuls of my "seed mixture,"  and kale. You can't fit too much in, (leave room for ice), and I ended up having to pour half our mixtures into a spare cup and then re-mix. It's a little tricky, or just don't make too much! We also picked up a papaya and mango and I also brought my cacao powder in a zip lock bag. (I should have brought my camera to capture this for's a hoot on a small hotel, sink..but I'm managing).

Today I stored the extra fruit in a container in the refrigerator and made two different smoothies. I made W a papaya, banana, coconut, mango, green smoothie. I still like my almond butter and cacao powder. Using coconut water eliminates the need for any sweetener and the meat really adds body to the smoothie. The last ingredient - ice...I could try to freeze cubes using my filtered water, but doubt they'd freeze in this contraption here, so we do have to use the hotel ice, but there's not a lot in there, just enough to chill....and WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....SMOOOOOOOOOOOOTHIE!!!

Now I'm ready to to hospital to see Momsie! I've probably left something out...feel free to ask questions. Blessings!!!

NOTE: Mini blenders can "burn out" quickly, so it requires a bit of patience. Do not run it for more than 1 minute at a time. I stop it frequently, remove the mixing cup, and manually shake it up, and then return it for blending. I do this several times. The first time, I kept the blender on too long and it automatically shuts off for 20 minutes....These are not the most perfect tool for smoothies...but for traveling and a temporary basis, they can get the job done.


  1. Great idea! And I hope your mother will be alright (I just read about her now) and everything will turn out for the best!!

  2. Your timing is perfect as I am preparing for an extended period overseas. Additional tips are appreciated!!

  3. so sorry about your mom.

    i have a mini blender and wore out the motor after using it for a month. i dislike that it can't do kale or other greens. so this time i brought my blendtec. it made my luggage heavier though. trade-offs. i won't be staying at a hotel, that's an extra challenge. i too pack lots of powders. ;-)


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