Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Chewy Hazelnut Fudge Bars

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June 17, 2011

Chewy Hazelnut Fudge Bars

I was going to make Chocolate Nut Bread, but ended up modifying the recipe, and came up with these delicious bite-sized snacks! I popped them in the freezer and will pack them next time we travel, and use as a quick pick-me-up. I intentionally did not make these very sweet, so feel free to adjust per your preference. If you don't care for hazelnut, use almond or walnut extract instead.

Ingedients for Chewy Hazelnut Fudge Bars
1 cup almonds, soaked overnight
1/2  cup macadamia nuts
1/2  cup shredded coconut
6 medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1 apple, roughly chopped
1/4 cup maple syrup (or liquid sweetener), to taste
1 tsp mesquite powder (optional)
2 Tbsp almond or nut butter
1/4 cup cacao powder
2 Tbsp ground flax seeds
2 Tbsp hemp seeds
1/4 cup  sunflower seeds (soaked 2 hours)
1/2  tsp  hazelnut extract. (or 2 drops Medicine Flower Hazelnut extract).
1/2  cup  water, as needed to process
dash  of sea salt
1/2  cup  walnuts (soaked overnight)
1/2  cup  raisins
1/2 tsp cinnamon

In food processor, mix almonds and macadamia nuts. Add 1/2 of shredded coconut. Mix in and process remaining ingredients except for walnuts, goji berries, raisins and remaining coconut, adding water as needed.

Stir in walnuts, raisins and remaining shredded coconut and pulse process, leaving chunky pieces.

Using an offset spatula, spread mixture about 1/4 - 1/2" thick onto a non-stick dehydrator sheet, and dehydrate at 125 degrees F for 1 hour. (Yes, you need to dehydrate this high initially to avoid rancidity. Food will never reach that temperature).

Adjust dehydrator to 110 degrees F for  about 6 hours.  Peel off non-stick sheet and flip onto a mesh dehydrator tray. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Using a dull-edged knife, score into bars or mini square bites, and dehydrate another 6-8 hours or until  done.  Bars should be dry on outside, and chewy inside.

*Mention "Rawfully Tempting" in Shipping Comments and Medicine Flower will send a Free Bonus Sample with your purchase.


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