Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Carrot Cake

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May 14, 2011

Carrot Cake

My first attempt at a moist, rich carrot cake creation. My "professional taster", W LOVED it. I don't use a lot of sweeteners, but I think this one needs a little more "sweets" than I added. Otherwise, the texture and flavor are fabulous. I'm excited to get a texture so close to the SAD version.

Using 2.5" baking molds, I created mini cakes. This is two mini cakes stacked together with icing in the middle and over top and sides, garnished with raisins, shredded coconut, and walnuts.

Kamut was soaked for over 24 hours and then sprouted for 1.5 days. Tails were just starting to form.

Oat groats were soaked overnight, along with walnuts and almonds. Sunflower seeds were soaked several hours.

Other ingredients were: raisins, carrot pulp, shredded carrot, carrot juice, lemon zest, orange zest, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, and other goodies.


  1. I need to be your neighbor!!!! LOL

  2. Did you dehydrate this? Looks really yummy!! I like Kamut alot in my pizza crust but never thought of using it this way. Thanks for all your terrific ideas.

  3. Hi Holie..when I made this, I did not dehydrate it..but I might do that next time...I use Kamut in my pizza crusts really added a nice, chewy texture to the cake...

  4. This looks so great! My dads going raw to treat cancer and carrot cake was his favorite! Could you post the recipe? I'd love to make it for him as a surprise.

  5. Wishing your dad the very best Dandeliondreamer. How wonderful that he is taking charge like this. My prayers are with you both. I never posted the recipe. It was an experiment I threw together. I listed the main ingredients that I used, but never wrote anything down. You can use the basics in here and experiment..and there are raw carrot cake recipes posted elsewhere...I hope you find something you both enjoy. Blessings

  6. I don't see the I missing it somewhere? Thanks :)

  7. i posted the ingredients..but not measurements. When I made this, I did not write it down..sorry...and have not had a chance to revisit it....i posted the ingredients for anyone brave enough to give it a try...and see what they might come up with..tweaking it??

  8. I'm totally going to tackle this. The sprouted Kamut sounds perfect. This'll be fun.


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