Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Papaya Passion Fruit Ice Pop

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June 22, 2011

Papaya Passion Fruit Ice Pop

Summer is here! Looking for a cool and rewarding snack? This is so quick, easy and refreshing on a hot, summer day!! Simple is superb! (And your kiddies will LOVE these too!)

I found these molds at Whole Foods, but have seen them at Macy's and other department stores.

Papaya Passion Fruit Ice Pop
1 cup coconut water (From young Thai coconut- or filtered water)
1 papaya, chopped
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 drops Medicine Flower Passion Fruit Extract (optional)
honey, yacon syrup, or agave to sweeten (You'll need more if not using coconut water).

Blend, pour into pop molds and freeze.ENJOY!

*Mention Rawfully Tempting and Medicine Flower will include a special bonus sample with your order.


  1. Woa!! Yummy combination!! Have to get me molds like that, thanks for telling us where we can get them AND for the great recipe!!. :)

  2. I also saw ice pop molds in Pier 1 yesterday for $11.95, I think...


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