This is one DECADENT dessert and I'll warn you that it's not for the feint of heart. But if you are craving a chocolate splurge - you can do it without guilt. It's very thick, very rich and very dense. Of course you can modify the recipe, adding some coconut oil and more water to thin...but for me...this is CHOCOLATE HEAVEN! It's loaded with chia seeds and cashews so how "bad" can it be? WOOT! This is one chocolaty splurge for me. And if you don't like bananas, skip 'em! Use coconut or goiji berries, or just indulge in the chocolate goodness.
Killer Chocolate Fudge Mousse and Banana Parfait
(2 servings)
1/2 cup cashews
1 cup water (add more as needed)
3 Tbsp of well ground chia seeds
3 Tbsp extra rich cacao powder
2 Tbsp maple syrup, honey, (or your sweetener, to taste)
1 Tbsp almond butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
1 banana, thinly sliced for layers
Blend cashews and water. Add enough water to blend smoothly. Add remaining ingredients and blend until creamy. Add more chia to thicken. Spoon a small amount into parfait cup. Add sliced bananas, press into pudding and top with another layer of pudding. Garnish with nuts, coconut or whipped "cream." Chill for 30 minutes. ENJOY!
If you want the mousse thicker, than add 1 tsp psyllium husk powder, or more ground chia seeds.
August 4, 2010
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Looks very yummy.
Do you grind your own chia seeds?
Yes, Elizabeth, I use a nut/seed grinder that I love...
I use this one:
I love it because it's stainless steel and the bowl comes off and can be washed. It also comes with a lid, so you can store it in the refrigerator. This is how I grind my own flax seeds too. Ground seeds tend to get rancid quickly if not used, so I like to grind them for the week, store in refrigerator and use them.
Where the heck do you get Irish Moss Paste? Never heard of it. Last time I bought Irish Moss, the actual moss, I had to order it online and the shipping cost more than the product itself! Any suggestions?
Hi Cathie. If you look at my recipes, I usually put links to some of the important ingredients, or ingredients that you may have to order on line.
In the recipe if you click on the will take you to Raw Food World.
Many of the raw food Chefs use it. I love Russell James and he uses it frequently. I figured I'd give it a try and when I started researching it, I realized how awesome it really is...pretty much a powerful super food.
If you have any problems with the link let me know.
Let me know...I wrote alot about it on my FACEBOOK PROFILE in the NOTES might want to look there for more info.
MORE ABOUT IRISH MOSS!/note.php?note_id=103889349667024
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