Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Cheddar Cheese Please!!!

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December 12, 2010

Cheddar Cheese Please!!!

Cheddar Cheeze gives this Veggie Burger an extra yummy kick!! Quick and easy to prepare, and so delicious...Grab a slice of Cheddar Cheeze to go...

Cheddar Cheeze Pleaze!
1 cup cashews, soaked 2 hours
1/4 cup almonds, soaked overnight
1 cup orange bell pepper
1 Tbsp tahini
1 lemon, juice
1 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)
1/4 tsp sea salt
water, only if needed to mix.

Combine ingredients in high speed blender, adding a tiny bit of water, if needed, and blend until creamy.

Using a small offset spatula, spread mixture on a non-stick dehydrator sheet.

Dehydrate 3 hours at 110 degrees. Flip and peel from sheet, transferring to mesh sheet. Score into 3-4" squares with a dull edge knife, and dehydrate at 110 degrees until dry, yet flexible.

Option: Don't dehydrate and serve as a cheese spread or sauce.


  1. The Burger was so good on the rye with avocado!

  2. So glad you enjoyed it sweetheart. Come by more often, I"ll make you some more goodies!


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