Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Sweet Macadamia Creamed Cheese

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March 25, 2011

Sweet Macadamia Creamed Cheese

Using a basic Macadamia Nut Cheese, I created this sweet version. It's a great companion for my Crazy, Nutsy Banana Bread.

It's also great on raw crackers or fruit.

Sweet Macadamia Nut Cheese  
2 cups raw macadamia nuts (soaked 1 hour).
water, to cover nuts
liquid sweetener to taste (raw honey, maple syrup, etc)
2 T finely chopped walnuts (optional)
2 T finely chopped dates (optional)
1 T soaked raisins and/or goji berries (optional)
dash of cinnamon, as garnish
pinch sea salt

Blend water and nuts until very creamy. Add water slowly as needed to blend, not too much.

If cheese is to watery, you can do the following:
Transfer to a nut milk bag (nylon mesh bag) or cheese cloth.Slowly squeeze the cream from the bag, pressing, massaging, kneading the bag, until you have a nice hunk of "cream cheese" in bag.
Save the "cream" and use in smoothies or other recipes.

Place cheese in a bowl and fold in remaining ingredients.

Chill to set and spread on bread, or use as a veggie dip. YUmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!


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