Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Super Green Papaya Mango Smoothie

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December 24, 2010

Super Green Papaya Mango Smoothie

Refreshing, sweet, creamy, and filled with LIVING enzymes! Need to recharge your inner battery? Try one of these delightful smoothies...

Papaya Mango Smoothie

3-4 darker romaine leaves
1 bunch of dandelion
1/2 papaya
2 champagne mangoes (or 1 regular mango)
1 pear (or 1 frozen banana)
2 dates
2 Tbsp chia seeds, ground
3 cups water (or young coconut water and meat)
1 tsp coconut oil (optional)
ice (as needed to chill)

Blend greens and water, add fruit and ice. Enjoy!


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