Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Pasta Primavera With Alfredo Sauce

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April 6, 2011

Pasta Primavera With Alfredo Sauce

Creamy and rich - So quick and easy to make! Great on raw or cooked noodles if you are transitioning. I mix kelp noodles and spiralized zucchini together. For W, I mixed artichoke pasta with softened kelp noodles  with tons of veggies, and a dollop of "Alfredo" sauce, topped with a sprinkle of "parmesan" cheese and you are good to go!

Alfredo Cream Sauce
 1 cup cashews
1/2 cup macadamia  nuts
1/2+ cup water, as needed to blend
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tsp miso
1 Tbsp olive oil
3 Tbsp chopped onion
1 tsp honey or agave
salt to taste
Mix in high speed blender until creamy. 

Marinade2 Tbsp olive oil
1/3 tsp salt
fresh basil, chopped
Italian herbs

Massage marinade into veggies and let sit for 2 hours, or let sit one hour and dehydrate 1-2 hours @ 110degrees. (Place in a glass casserole dish on bottom of dehydrator)

Try carrots, portobello mushrooms, onions, scallions and tomato. You can add zucchini, baby eggplant and yellow squash, sliced in very thin lengthwise strips and chopped. Red pepper, peas and broccoli would be yummy too.

Parmesan Cheese
1/2 cup mixed almonds, 2 Tbsp pine nuts, 1 Tbsp sesame seeds,sea salt, 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)

Use a spice/nut grinder to pulverize nuts and seeds.
Add salt and nutritional yeast. Mix.

Rinse and soak kelp noodles in warm water with lemon juice for at least 30 minutes and up to 3-4 hours. Cut kelp noodles in half  and mix with a few spoonfuls of Alfredo sauce. Massaging cream into noodles with hands is easier (and therapeutic).

You can  top the creamy noodles with veggies or you can mix some of the Alfredo sauce into the veggies first. You can also add a dollop of cream sauce to garnish the dish. It depends on how rich you like it. In place of kelp noodles, you can spiralize zucchini or summer squash too.

Spiralized Zucchini and Summer Squash


  1. OMG!!! How did you do that commercial??? That is so funny!!!!

  2. Thanks RM - someone sent me one and I followed the link..the first one is we did it as a joke and thought it was funny enough to post..glad you liked it too!! xoxo

  3. Barbara
    This is sooooo good:) another fabulous creation. Enjoy your seminar with Russell!

  4. Thanks Linda...RJ Workshop was yesterday and was wonderful. Did you actually make this recipe??? Thanks so much for your kind words!


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