Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Simply Mahvelous Mocha Ice Cream

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September 3, 2011

Simply Mahvelous Mocha Ice Cream

I couldn't wait for this to freeze, and ate it as soft-serve.  I am not even a coffee drinker, but am constantly using my Medicine Flower C O F F E E extract.  W brought me home a bottle of coffee extract from Whole Foods to compare, since it's a fraction of the price. I can't even bring myself to use the other bottle. One whiff from the bottle tells all. There is NO comparison between the two. I LOVE this stuff! They are super concentrated, so you only need a few drops.

Simply Mahvelous Mocha Ice Cream
1 cup cashews (soaked 5-6 hours)
3/4 cup water (as needed for mixing)
2 Tbsp cacao powder
2 tsp coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp agave (or maple syrup, honey, etc)
1 tsp coffee extract (or 3 drops Medicine Flower Coffee Extract)

OPTIONAL - but worthwhile
1 tsp mesquite powder
1 tsp sunflower lecithin (emulsifier)
1 drop Medicine Flower Hazelnut Extract
pinch, sea salt
2 Tbsp Irish moss paste (very optional)
smashed almonds as topping

Mix cashews and water in high speed blender. Add remaining ingredients, except almonds. Mix until creamy.

Run through ice cream maker, or freeze (stirring frequently until frozen).

Serve with smashed almonds, chocolate sauce, goji berries, or any of your favorite toppings.

*Special Bonus: Mention Rawfully Tempting and Medicine Flower will include a Special Bonus Sample with your order.

1 comment :

  1. This looks delicious! I hadn't heard of that coffee extract before. I'll have to try to find it here.


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