Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Green Papaya Smoothie

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December 29, 2010

Green Papaya Smoothie

Christopher Columbus referred to papayas as "the fruit of the angels."  Papayas contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. In addition to providing a luscious taste that we associate with the tropics, they are rich in antioxidant nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as carotenes, vitamin C, flavonoids, B vitamins, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium, and fiber.The enzymes and nutrients in papaya are noted to be helpful in treating many disorders, such as heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer, inflammation, IBS etc.

Green Papaya Smoothie
6 large kale leaves
3 collard green leaves
1 sprig of parsley
1 papaya, chopped
1 pear  or 1 frozen banana
1/2 cup shredded coconut or coconut meat
3 cups water (or coconut water)
2 dates, pitted and chopped
2 tsps mesquite powder (optional) 
1/4 cup goji berries ( soaked 10 minutes) (optional)  
2 Tbsp hemp seeds (optional)
1 Tbsp chia seeds (optional)

Note: "Like avocados and bananas, papayas contain substances called chitinases that are associated with the latex-fruit allergy syndrome. There is strong evidence of the cross-reaction between latex and these foods. If you have a latex allergy, you may very likely be allergic to these foods as well. Processing the fruit with ethylene gas increases these enzymes; organic produce not treated with gas will have fewer allergy-causing compounds. In addition, cooking the food may deactivate the enzymes."  


  1. this looks good! i will have to track down a papaya.

    sorry bout the spam. i haven't noticed any more/less spam with word vetification or without it. but i've noticed less when i turned off moderation. weird! i think blogger is particularly vulnerable to it sadly.

  2. Thanks Bitt..I don't get any spam now that I have the it's working.

    By the are fine entering the contest because your google profile link has an email published...many don't and i have no way to contact them.

    Thanks...and good luck!


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