Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Coconut Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream

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April 12, 2010

Coconut Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream

  Using a variation of my Crazy Coconut Ice Cream recipe, I swirled in Raspberry Sauce and topped with Chocolate Syrup and fresh raspberries. Yummm!

Crazy Coconut Ice Cream
2 young Thai coconut, flesh, or  2 cups shredded coconut
1 1/2  cups coconut water
2  dates, pitted and chopped
3/4  cup cashews
2  Tbsp  coconut oil, melted
2  Tbsp agave nectar  or raw honey (to taste)
1 Tbsp yacon syrup (optional)
1/2  tsp lucuma powder (optional)
pinch  Bourbon Vanilla Bean powder (or vanilla extract))
pinch sea salt

  1. In a high speed blender, blend coconut and coconut water.
  2. Add dates and cashews and blend until smooth.
  3. Add coconut oil, agave, lucuma, vanilla powder and salt. Mix until creamy.
  4. Run through an  ice cream maker as directed, or pour into a glass bowl and freeze. Mix
  5. well  after 2-3 hours. Repeat again until firm.
For the Raspberry Sauce
fresh raspberries
honey or agave to sweeten as desired

  1. Run through food processor or high speed blender until creamy. 
  2. After 2-3 hours, drizzle raspberry sauce into mixture and swirl using a dull-edged knife.  Return to freezer. 
  3. Serve as is, or garnish with shredded coconut, fresh raspberries, chopped nuts, and chocolate syrup. Make chocolate syrup with cacao powder and agave to sweeten.  (Add water as needed to thin).


mr. pineapple man said...

loving the posts! everything looks very delicious!

Rawfully Tempting B. Kessler said...

Thank you very much. Now, are you trying anything???

Karen said...

Oh this looks great Barbara.. Going to make this sometime this week.. YUM

Anonymous said...

Oh Barbara, that looks so smooth and creamy!

Congrats on the Foodie Blogroll!


Simply Life said...

YUM! looks like a great dessert!

Rawfully Tempting B. Kessler said...

Thanks. It gets a little harder the longer it freezes, so take it out and let it defrost about 30 minutes and it returns to the smooth and creamy texture. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

OMG.......It is so good it should be against the law.......and to think something is so good that it can be eaten and enjoyed by a lactose intolerant diabetic...........

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