Chocolate Nut Bread
1 cup almonds (soaked overnight)
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
1 Tbsp mesquite (optional)
3 dates, pitted and chopped
2 Tbsp raw honey
1 Tbsp yacon syrup, grade B maple syrup, or *YFS
1 apple (or 3/4 cup zucchini)
2 drops Dark Chocolate Medicine Flower Extract (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
pinch sea salt
2 Tbsp cacao powder
2 Tbsp almond butter
1 Tbsp ground flax seed
1 Tbsp hemp seed
1/4 cup walnuts, soaked and chopped
1/4 cup raisins
water, as needed to mix
dash of cinnamon
dash of cayenne (optional)
2 Tbsp cacao nibs, (optional)
Process all ingredients except cinnamon, walnuts and raisins in food processor or high speed blender. Leave a little chunky. Add walnuts and raisins, cacao nibs, and pulse blend, leaving small chunks. Using an offset spatula, spread the batter onto a non-stick dehydrator sheet about 1/4" thick. Dehydrate for 4 hours, flip onto mesh sheet, score with a dull knife, sprinkle with cinnamon, and dehydrate another 8 to 10 hours. (Don't let it dry out too much).
Cover and store in refrigerator up to 3 days or freeze.
Try serving with a bit of nut butter.
*YFS=Your Favorite Sweetener
Mention "Rawfully Tempting" (in Shipping Comments) and receive a Special Bonus Sample from Medicine Flower with your purchase.
This is delicious, I made it minus some of your ingredients but it still turned out great. I can see this is going to become a favourite. Hope you don't mind - I've put a link on my blog directing people to your site.
Thanks for letting me know, Brenda! I'm so happy you liked the recipe as much as I did. I'm so thrilled you experimented and made it without some of the ingredients. I try to tell people that all the time. Absolutely! Raw recipes are so easy to substitute and interchange ingredients...and get something fabulous either way! Good for you and thanks for posting the link back!
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