Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Chinese Veggie Stir-Fry Surprise

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December 2, 2010

Chinese Veggie Stir-Fry Surprise

And the surprise is..It's NOT stir-fried at all - It's RAW! One of W's favorite SAD meals is Chinese Stir-Fry, Spicy Garlic "Anything." I've been wondering if I could create a raw dish that resembled our Chinese stir-fry. Unbelievable! The veggies turn out brightly colored and crisp, yet tender. Perfect!

We made enough for 4 people and there was barely any left over! We both kept going back for more...and more..and more... Thumbs up on this one!

Veggie Stir-Fry Surprise

The marinade was a mixture of :
olive oil, coconut water vinegar, nama shoyu, sesame oil, ginger,garlic, lemon juice, coconut nectar or other sweetener

Whatever veggies you like.
I chose:
carrots, zucchini, bok choy,broccoli, Chinese cabbage,Shiitake mushrooms, bell peppers, fresh baby corn,
Spanish onion,snow pea, and other delicious veggies.

spiralized zucchini, kelp noodles, or bean thread noodles (soaked in hot water- not raw, but really yummy)

Mix veggies and marinade and let sit for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Dehydrate.

Stir and serve over noodles, sprinkled with sesame seeds.


  1. Kelp noodles will do the trick, too, and they're raw.

    BTW, where did you find actual fresh baby corn instead of canned?

  2. Hi Diana, Yes, kelp noodles would work too, or what I like is a combination of kelp noodles and zucchini, spiralized.

    The baby corn were from Wegman's. I had never seen them before. They are not organic,but they are fresh.

  3. do you have measurements for ingredients and more details on how long and at what temp for dehydrating?

  4. Hi Moira - By the way, I'm currently working on an e-cookbook which will have many of the recipes that may not be included on my site.

    This is one of those recipes that you can really play around with, but here is an estimate:

    1/4 cup olive oil
    3 Tbsp coconut water vinegar
    1/3 cup nama shoyu
    3 Tbsp sesame seed oil
    1 Tbsp ginger, grated
    5 cloves garlic, crushed
    1 Tbsp lemon juice
    cayenne to taste
    1 Tbsp agave or raw honey
    1 Tbsp chili garlic sauce (opt)

    The veggies are things like snow peas, carrots, zucchini, bok choy, mushrooms, chinese cabbage, red, yellow and orange bell peppers, etc. Use your imagination.

    To be honest, when it comes to dehydrating time, it varies. Since we are eliminating moisture, and not baking, it depends on the dish you are using, the weather, how dense are your veggies, etc. I generally dehydrate this in a glass bowl for 1-2 hours at 110 degrees.

    I hope this helps. If you make it, please let me know how it turns out.

    Best Wishes,


  5. I'm not familiar with bean thread noodles. Please enlighten me.

  6. Hi Jane
    Bean thread noodles are not raw. AKA- cellophane noodles or Chinese vermicelli. It's a transparent Asian noodle, made from mung bean starch or yam potato starch and can be found in many shapes and sizes.

    Ideally, you would serve this dish over raw zucchini noodles, but my honey really enjoys the bean thread noodles, so we use a small amount of them mixed with the veggies. It helps to warm things up a bit on a cold, raw day.

    As suggested above, you could also serve this over kelp noodles, and if you eat cooked rice...YUM to that too. I'm not 100 percent raw, and in the cold weather, I eat healthy cooked food as well.

  7. This looks fantastic!

    I, too, love spicy garlic anything, so I can't wait to try this!

  8. I can't believe you found raw baby corn! So cute.

  9. Yes..they were sooo cute..and we got them at Wegmans' a grocery store!


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