Google+ Rawfully Tempting™: Tip : Egg Replacement

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March 8, 2011

Tip : Egg Replacement

Did you know when converting Standard American Diet recipes to vegan recipes, you can replace an egg with 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds, to 3 tablespoons of water? Whisk and set aside for a a few minutes. It becomes very gelatinous and helps bind ingredients together, which is why they're used in most raw cracker and bread recipes.


  1. The way chia seeds gel up is also useful.

    I have an award for you. It's here:

    I look forward to your response. :D

    ~ Raederle

  2. Yes, I use chia in puddings and ice cream, but flax works well as a binder, not just a thickener...holds things together......both are very useful.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE AWARD! That was sooo sweet!!!



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